We all like to think it won't happen to us and we don't really want to think about it at all. However the reality is that much as we love it, horse-riding is a dangerous hobby and sadly accidents can and do happen and not just when we are doing the high adrenalin stuff like galloping and jumping!
So please make sure you provide the riding club with up to date ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact details for two people who we can contact if you do suffer an injury at one of our events. It is quick and easy to do whilst entering online. Simply enter their details by choosing 'Add Contact' under the "Emergency Contacts" area on the second tab of the Equine Affairs entry form, as shown below. Once you have entered them, their details will be saved, so you will just need to check they are still valid for when you enter subsequent events.
Hopefully we'll never have to use them!

PS: We also recommend you add your ICE contact details to your mobile phone. Information about how to do this can be found here