Fancy giving Combined Training a go? We want to hear from you!
The Area 7 Festival of the Horse Combined Training Qualifiers are coming up on 7th April (to be held at Grange Farm Ec, PE8 6NR)
"That's ages away!" you might say, but we need to get entries in 3 weeks before the competition - and that's only middle of March! So in order to give us time to put teams together, we're starting to gauge interest now.
Teams will be split into Juniors and Seniors, and will be made up as follows:
2 riders to ride Prelim tests and jump 75cm 2 riders to ride Novice tests and jump 85cm

Please also note the date and location for the Festival of the Horse Championships (18-19th May at Aston-Le-Walls) as if your team qualifies you'll be going to the Championships!
We're looking for both, Senior and Junior riders to represent us - so if you, or someone you know, might be interested please email in at or contact Sarah Legg directly.
As always, all information regarding our teams can be found on the Teams page under Members Area.