We are delighted to announce that our summer dressage shows before 30th July will be local qualifiers for the UK Riders Dressage Championships. http://www.ukridersequestrianevents.co.uk/
The Challenge has a 3-tier structure. Firstly, local qualifiers are held around the country from the 1st September 2018 up to 30th July 2019. On attaining the relevant qualifying criteria and becoming a Member of UK Riders, competitors will be able to take part in the second round Regional Qualifiers. Regional Qualifiers are held during June, July and August at selected centres around the UK. Successful combinations at the Regional Qualifiers can then take part in the UK Riders National Championships on 17th August 2019, at Weston Lawns.
The UK Riders National Championships are aimed at the unaffiliated horse and rider; however, BD Associate members are eligible to take part. Affiliated riders may also take part if competing on a young or inexperienced horse and competitors who have been but are no longer BD affiliated are eligible.
UK Riders dressage competitions range from Intro to Elementary. Competitors placed 1 – 6, attaining a score of 58% or over, in both the Junior and Senior sections, will be issued with a qualifying slip at the time of, or soon after, qualifying. To qualify as a Junior in the 2019 Challenge the competitor must be aged 16 years or under on the 1st September 2019. If a competitor in the first six has already qualified, the centre may pass down the relevant qualification. Competitors must then return the slip with the relevant fee, (if not currently a member), to UK Riders. UK Riders will issue new members with a membership card, and all members with a qualification confirmation slip.
For qualifying rules please go to http://www.ukridersequestrianevents.co.uk/dressage-rules
Don't forget our dressage shows are also qualifiers for the Sunshine Tour and the ROR Riding Club Challenge. We look forward to seeing you!