If you are interested in joining one of the Aspley Guise & District Riding Club teams you must be a fully paid up member. We are a friendly and inclusive club, we love to see everyone give the Area competitions a go and try our best to encourage and support all of our riders - there are disciplines to suit most, and classes for all ages and abilities!
All horses must be fully vaccinated against flu and tetanus to comply with British Riding Club rules and there maybe limitations on horse and/or rider for some classes in competitions. Therefore please check with the team manager and advise of any points that you or your horse may have before entering.
Team entries have to be registered with a prelim entry to the British Riding Clubs office 3 weeks before the closing date of the event; therefore we need your commitment often 4 to 5 weeks before the event takes place.
The Riding Club holding the event will always ask the club to nominate at least two helpers per team entered (or 1 per every 1-2 individuals). If we do not provide a helper, we are unable to send our team; therefore if anyone is interested in helping at any team event, such as fence judging please let us know.
Still interested? You can either contact one of our Team Managers or email us at to register your interest.
For more information, please see our guides below.
Arena Eventing
Combined Training
Festival of the Horse
Horse Trials
Show Jumping
Please note, by entering a qualifier you are confirming your intent to compete at the championships should you qualify. If you qualify you will be expected to go to Nationals unless you have a very good reason. Some venues are further away than others, but we are very lucky to be centrally located - other clubs from other areas have to travel long distances for every championship.