Your Aspley Guise & District Riding Club committee are continuing to monitor the current situation with regards to Equine Influenza (EI). Following the recent increase in confirmed cases, many of our venues are now insisting on vaccination checks and the BEF have updated their guidance (see below.)
In view of this and with the welfare of all horses as our primary concern, we will now be checking the vaccination status of all horses before they attend our events and checking passports on arrival. Your clinic organiser will request a copy of your horse's passport, which we will then keep on file for our future events. For any horses already booked onto to future clinics who are not fully vaccinated, we will refund your entry fees. We will also issue refunds should we need to cancel, or if riders are unable to attend a clinic during this outbreak due to yards on lockdown.

British Equestrian Federation Update The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) notes the latest update (14.02.19) from the Animal Health Trust of more positive tests for equine flu in Worcestershire, central Scotland, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire. For the latest information follow @equiflunet on Twitter.
The BEF is urging all competition and training event organisers to check the equine ID passports of all horses attending their event to ensure that they comply with vaccination rules. We remind all participants to check the requirements of venues before they set out.
The BEF continues to urge all owners to be vigilant for the symptoms of equine flu and to alert their vet if they think their horses are showing signs.
All owners MUST ensure their vaccination records are up to date, and if it has been longer than 6 months since the last vaccination, we strongly recommend discussing a booster with their veterinary surgeon.
We also remind owners that any contact with recently imported horses represents an increased risk so owners should follow veterinary advice by isolating any recently imported horse for a period of at least 21 days.