Our teams need you to help them compete!
At Area Qualifiers our teams have to provide 2 helpers per team (or 1 helper per every 1-2 individuals) to help on the day - this could be anything from stewarding to pole picking/fence judging/scoring! (We can put down your preferences to try to secure you a task you'd rather do)
As you can imagine, it's very difficult for our team to help and compete on the same day as they have their horses to think about - this is why they need you!
But it's not all work, work, work! Helping at the Area Qualifiers on behalf of the team is a great way to take part in the excitement and to get involved in the team if you don't want to ride or if you're not really sure if it's for you. It also gives you a chance to meet the teams (they're a friendly bunch!) before joining if you're interested but a bit worried!
You can see our full list of events, including upcoming BRC Area 7 Qualifiers, on our events page.
So please, if you can help at any of them, please email info@aspleyguiseridingclub.com to get your name down on the list!